Friday, May 20, 2011

Rain Bike ride and Friends

I was listening to MPR yesterday at work and they had a show on fat Americans. It was kinda funny the Dr on the show was talking about America being the fattest nation in the world and Mississippi is the fattest state in the US so Mississippi is the Fattest place in the world. I had a good laugh at this but then it sunk in, it's really sad. Part of the reason people there get so fat and stay fat is because of what it "normal". Most people in Mississippi are fat so when you look around and see everyone looking the same, in this case fat, you don't see a problem. This is the case in lots of places, it is just much more prevalent in Mississippi. Along with fat being normal, the residents refer to a fat child or adult as being "healthy" not healthy as in shape but healthy as in very large and well fed. At what point is it ok to talk about people as we would cattle?
     I hope I am never considered "healthy" in Mississippi. This got me thinking about fat people and my life. When I was in junior high I had a group of good friends 2 of them were my weight. By our sophomore year we were all over 300 pounds.  Well I got really active in sports and decided I couldn't take being over weight anymore. To put it simple, I wanted a girlfriend. As I lost weight I spent less and less time with my heavier friends. Until at some point one of them decided we were not friends anymore and the other one grew distant. I wish my high school had done more for my overweight friends. I struggled with food for a long time, dipping down to almost too skinny at some times. I still wonder what happened in me that made me want to lose weight that didn't kick in with my friends and why the one who I no longer speak to ran away from being friends into the open arms of the next slice of cake.
     I think being fat is like being an alcoholic, once you are fat you are always fat deep inside. A fat person just like an alcoholic has to always watch out so they don't fall off the wagon. If I eat like I sometimes want to I can put on 10 pounds in a weekend very easily. Just like an alcoholic can go on a bender. If I come off a little harsh to Fat people its really me still being upset at myself for not having more will power and doing what I need to do to keep myself in shape.
     I am blessed with a life and a culture that helps me stay in shape now that I am an adult but I still need to watch what I eat. I have realized that a "diet" is not a couple week thing. We need to have a good diet overall that lasts through life. No pill, or amount of exercise, or shake will make you lose weight and keep it off. It's up to us to make healthy decisions all the time and keep it up.

     Yesterday I had a bad eating day, today I have been doing better. I went on a 32 mile bike ride with 3 friends to train for the Minnesota Red Ribbon Ride. It was a great time and I didn't over eat today. I will keep working on it, tonight I need to find my scale to help me keep track of what I have been losing. Wish me well.

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