Wednesday, May 18, 2011

120 Mile drive and rollerblades with Tuna

Well I think I am doing ok on my weight loss today. Angie made some eggs and bacon for breakfast. I had some coffee with skim milk and a banana. Then for lunch I had 2 vegi burgers and a scone. We had some strange stuff happen in the office today so I had a lot of coffee. I had one depth charge from the Bikery Du Nord in Marine then later on my drive home I had another depth charge so I could get home at Dun Brothers in Hugo. My drive on Wednesdays is about 60 miles one way and takes me about an hour and a half each way. It takes a lot out of me just doing the drive.
   I got home really tired but I drank some water and went rollerblading. I only did about 3 miles but it took me half an hour. I plan on doing 30 min on my treadmill in front of something on Netflix as soon as I am done with this post.
 For dinner tonight I had a large salad with two slices of bread and tuna. I get the sprouted grain bread that you get in the frozen section of target. I feel that its about as healthy as you get for bread at target. Next I need to cut out coffee. On the Red Ribbon Ride we get up really early, 3:30AM for me on the first day. I need to get off of needing coffee to wake up early so in about a month I will go off coffee for 6 weeks.
    If anyone wants to know more about the red ribbon ride you can check it out at  this is my 5th year doing it.

     Its funny I started into wanting to lose weight for my kids now it's feeling so good to fit into my shirts again that I want to keep it up for me. I don't want to be the guy who at 29 scares his friends into thinking he had a heart attack just because I don't answer my phone. I had this happen recently when I call a friend who missed something we were going to do together and he didn't pick up. It really freaks me out how many guys I know don't exercise and think its fine to eat lots of fatty red meat and smoke and drink everyday. I may be a little hyper sensitive but I think we, as a group of young men, need to realize that we can keep destroying ourselves. Besides  the women out there don't want fat, lazy, heart attack prone boy men =)

1 comment:

  1. Gabe, As you know I see a lot of hearts in my work. I'm glad you're working hard on improvements.
    I just finished reading "Why We Get Fat - and what to do about it" by Gary Taubes (published 2011). I thought it had a lot of convincing information to take into consideration when losing weight and reducing health risks such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
    His take on improving these is largely about reducing carbohydrates (no this is not the Atkins diet). For one thing, carbs spike insulin which causes weight gain.
    Carbs and fats both create energy we need. Fats do not spike insulin. When you cut carbs, you need to increase fats. That includes even saturated fats.
    He points out that research shows this type of eating reduces weight, increases HDL cholesterol (good) and where it may not decrease LDL, it increases the particle size of the LDL cholesterol. Small particle LDL is what causes heart attacks. Large particle LDL doesn't build up as plaque.
    Most of us eat too many grams of carbohydrates. That may be the culprit in the U.S. diet and not fats. Americans have been leaning on low-fat diets and eating carbs like there's no tomorrow. We have a growing epidemic of diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Something's wrong.
