Monday, January 13, 2014

Polar Body Age Time - 15 Pounds to Lose Triathlon and Meltdown 2014 - Body Pump with kids!

The 2014 meltdown starts at the end of the month. I am setting my goal at 15 pounds to lose. I will be racing in the YWCA indoor triathlon the same week the Meltdown starts. I hope to really drop some fat and reset my diet for the year during be Meltdown. We got a little off kilter with our clean eating when we had baby number 4 but now it's time to get back to it.

My training splits have been gladiator Thursday for an hour, lifting for and hour then dodgeball Friday, body pump Saturday, running or walking on the treadmill and bench / back Sunday and Monday off.  Tuesdays and Wednesdays are up in the air but I usually do a cardio mix. Monday through Friday I walk during my lunch break for about 35 minutes. I walk from the Flour Exchange building (where my office is, join me for a lunch walk sometime) to Macy's through the skyways at a good pace.

I really like exercise in the middle of the work day as it wakes me up and gives me more energy for the afternoon. I also split up my meals during the work week. I never eat one big meal for lunch. Usually I have breakfast at home and coffee, then an Emergenc at work with some water and maybe more coffee. Then An hour later I have some fruit and an hour after that some nuts. This usually brings me to lunch where I eat a medium size portion and go for a walk. I usually get a small depth charge at Caribou on my way back from lunch. Then back to work for two hours before I eat a Greek yogurt and finish off my work day with an apple before I head home. I find eating this way gives me the most energy and leaves me feeling the most full. Eating a little something on my way home helps me stay calm and not in immediate need of food when I get home and everyone needs my attention. If I bike home I make a smoothie as soon as I step in the door.

I really can't wait to measure what I am doing. During the Meltdown we weight in and out with the Polar Body Age test and we document every calorie we eat and every hour we sleep and exercise. I find doing this really makes me take a step back and evaluate what I am doing. If you are a YWCA member I really suggest trying the Meltdown.

Remember I started this blog when I had 2 kids to make me lose weight. Well I have lost a lot and shared what I have learned along the way. I don't  even come  close to knowing everything but I know what has been working for me.  Please join me in my efforts to live a healthy life.

   If you are interested in working with me as your beach body coach or meeting up for a workout or bike ride, please click the link below. 

As always keep up the good work, and remember, we are doing this for ourselves and our kids.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

What Did the Daddy Say? 2014 4 Kids and the Battle to Keep Healthy and Fit - Dodgeball, Gladiator, Body Pump and Triathlons and P90X thrown in Crossfit Style

Here we are in 2014 what will the new year bring? I hope it brings more health and happiness. I want to set a realistic weight goal for 2014 I was in the high 280's in early 2013 and now I am at 272. I want to drop down to and maintain below 260 by the middle of this year. I think that is a goal I can do. Sure I would love to lose 30 pounds but I want to be realistic so I can really do what I set out to do. I am going to do this more through setting up a great system for eating right and exercise.

My friend Tony put it very clearly about two years ago when it comes to weight loss. It doesn’t really matter what you eat. If you want to lose weight its about calories in versus calories out. I have to agree! The type of calories you consume can determine how healthy you are and how much muscle you build but to lose weight you have to run a calorie deficit. I will be starting the YWCA Meltdown again soon. Working out with a team for 6 weeks to see how much weight I can shed. I really look forward to this, I think this is my 10th year doing the meltdown. Wow how time does fly! All the team I have done the meltdown with. Eric and Fitz and Kevin and many more partners I can't remember. I know we won 1 time and took second 3 times. It's always a great relief when you weight out in the end and have lost body fat and weight.

 Reflecting on my long journey from being lean coming out of high school to getting bigger than I wanted. I remember having my first child and putting on 90 pounds and much of that never came off. Then I had my second child and 30 pounds went on. When we had my third I was in the process of dropping weight and I lost 20 pounds and now with my 4th I think I gained about 10. Wow that is a lot of weight to gain and lose and gain.  One thing is for sure now I can stabilize. I won’t be having any more kids in the future so I can work on my long term system of health.

My weight loss tools include healthy eating with lots of healthy smoothies in my Vitamix. The book I just got Angie - Eating On The WIld Side.  Cutting sugar out of my diet, we cut out corn syrup years ago. Some fitness classes including Gladiator, Boxing, Body Pump, Dodgeball and some Triathlons.

 I will be doing a lot of spinning bike training getting ready for my 8th Red Ribbon Ride and I hope to do an outdoor Triathlon this summer. I will be doing 3 more indoor TRI's this winter. I will also be doing P90X and trying to start some Yoga as everyone I know keeps suggesting it. 

I have had some big snags along the way. Injuries and sickness and sometimes lack of will and a little feeling depressed. I know what I want and that is to be able to do with my body what ever I want. If it means jumping, or running or zip lining. I really do want to zip line soon. There is an article in Money magazine this month about people being fat and the surgery options. I know those are good for some people, for me I need to and will kick my own butt in to shape. I have the best reason of all to keep in shape. My kids!. 

Remember I started this blog when I had 2 kids to make me lose weight. Well I have lost a lot and shared what I have learned along the way. I don't know even close to everything but I know what has been working for me.  Please join me in my efforts to live a healthy life.

   If you are interested in working with me as your beach body coach or meeting up for a workout or bike ride, please click the link below. 

As always keep up the good work, and remember, we are doing this for ourselves and our kids.


Happy 2014 Time to Be Intentional and Change The World for the better