Sunday, November 20, 2011

285.8 and Fighting the Thanksgiving Eating Binge time to Run

Greetings everyone,
 I have been doing the NanoWRIMO this year. It keeps my writing time down. I want to let you all know I have not been easing off my workouts. I weighed in last week at 285.6 at my lowest. That is lower than I have been in over a year and a half. I am fitting into shirts that I have not worn in a long time. Man it feels nice, I am also 5 holes into my belt that I have been at 1 hole into for  a long time.

I don't think it's just the way I eat but it plays a big part of it. I do think Spinach is a super food it seems to really help me feel good and regulate my hunger and weight. I also find that I eat less on the days I have a grapefruit and when I have eggs for breakfast. I have read journals that say all of these things can make you want to eat less. I don't know if they will work for everyone  but they are helping me. Of course the main thing is will power. I have always been a good self motivator. Do I want to walk for an hour on the treadmill after work when I am tired and sore? No way, but I know it will make me feel good and it is good for me in the long run. 

 One thing that is for sure, exercise will help you feel good. It fights depression and lots of other things that happen in the winter. I also get a big boost out of group fitness classes and dodge ball in the winter. I say keep as busy as you can but make sure you get time to sleep and workout. 

This week for Thanksgiving I am going to try to find a 5K I can do. If I can't find one and someone to do it with I will do a 5K+ at my house on the treadmill before we go to the grandparents for dinner. This year I have a lot to be thankful for, my weight loss it a big one. I also am very thankful for my immediate and extended family, that I have a  warm house, food to eat, good health, and a people to share them with. I hope you have a super Thanksgiving and be thankful because Life is great and it is only limited by what we can dream.

Thanks for Reading,


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Triathlon and Gladiator Losing some weight Chobani Greek yogurt

So what have I been up to this last week or so. Well I am down to 287.9 based on my new scale at home. I got a new Weight Watchers one that weighs up to 400 pounds, it's glass and has a digital readout. I have been eating one solid meal of spinach a day. For dinner I have been doing a cup of Chobani Greek yogurt with a half cup of Kashi Go lean crunch. I have been trying to stay away from carbs except for some Ezekiel bread that I buy frozen and have with my standard breakfast of 2 organic eggs over easy. I also drink about a pot of coffee with skim milk, a gallon of water, and a cup of green juice a day. I am still trying to keep the eating clean. I didn't eat much candy on Halloween. I won't say I didn't eat any but not much. 

     My next goal is to keep my weight loss up over the holidays. One thing I know for sure is no Brie cheese wheels this year. Traditionally I bring a big 2.2 pound wheel to holiday gatherings over the winter season. They are a great deal at Lunds but for me they are not a great deal on the waist line. I can almost fit into my non fat person pants and my shirts are all starting to fit me well. I can't wait to fit into all of my clothes again.

 I did a Tri at the midtown YWCA and did better than I did spring of 2009. I was very happy with that. I came in 7th out of 27 people doing the full tri. My run was just over 10 min miles and I swam a 600 in 12min. I shaved about 25 min off of what I thought I was going to do it in. I felt great and can't wait to do it again.

I signed up for Gladiator at uptown starting today. Man was it hard. I need to get back into more weight training than I have been doing. It's going to be hard to keep up the same level of cardio and do weight training but I have to do it. 

Well I am going to keep at the weight loss and update you as I do. 

Always remember you are only limited by what you can Dream.

