Monday, December 22, 2014

Surgery Death and Holidays We must Cherish Life

Well it has been a long time since I last posted. It is 2 days before Christmas 2014. Wow has time gone by the last couple of months. 

First I had Varicose vein surgery. I had the secondary vein systems take out of both legs. Then in the same surgery they removed a fist worth of veins from each calf. In the middle of the surgery the Dr said I should look up. I was drowsy from the pain meds and asked him if he was talking to me. He was and I looked up, he held up a vein that he said was the larges he had pulled out of anyone if 25 years of surgery. It was 3 feet long and as wide as a pencil.

The surgery seemed to go well and now 5 weeks out I have stopped wearing my compression socks everyday. I did have an instance where I bled quite a bit from one of the incision sites. That seems to be healed now. I look forward to getting back to my regular exercise routine without all of the pain and swelling. 

Next -  I was out watching a movie with friends the night before thanksgiving and I got a call from my mother. She said "Are you sitting down?" I said no but that I would be fine. Well it turns out I was not fine. My grandmother had passed away that night. So yeah the night before thanksgiving my grandmother passed. She was a huge person in my life and the world will be a little more empty without here. But she is with grandpa in heaven now and I will always cherish her memory.

Then we get into the holidays. I have been really trying not to eat bad food. Especially since I can't exercise as much as I would like. I am up about 4 pounds and plan to take it off before the end of the year.

Man when life hits you it can really hit you. All I can say is we must really enjoy the good times in life. Tell that person you love that you love them as often as you can. Enjoy good food and exercise and seeing the sun. I have started to write out what I am thankful for every night and it's not just a nice thing to do. It will make you think about what is important and what you need to change. 

I will be leaner in 2015 and I will be more healthy. I hope you join me. 

I wish you the best of holidays and that in the new year you get all that you need and much of what you want. 

Thanks for reading.
