Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Cutting weight and dead lifting some weight off, winter nights and SAD lights enjoying Christmas in the North #Minnesota

Losing some weight is always a good thing. I have been really hitting the weights and treadmill since I got over my gout attack. Ish I hope that never happens again. The NSAID I was on seems to have worked but I feel it was also making me put on weight. Or not =)

I have been walking on the treadmill at a 5-12 degree incline at a speed of 3-4.0 Mph. It really seems to help. I have been doing some spinning on my fluid trainer as well as hitting the free weights. I have about 400 pounds of Olympic plates and 2 bench's in my weight room. On of my favorites is still the 50 pound dumbbells. I will stand and do curl set after curl set with those while watching a movie.

I am down 5 pounds in the last week and have 3 to go to be back at my pre gout weight. Then on to the fun. My focus is not eating crap - like sugar or processed things. I will let myself do fruit and nuts and cheese at holiday events but I need to hold it to that. I am also not going to drink a lot of hot cocoa or drinks with added calories.

My kids are always a great help with my weight loss ....NOT

Part of my journey is realizing my willpower is about me. If my kids get sweets or make sweets or buy junk food its my responsibility to push them away and not eat the junk.

I still feel required to eat something if someone made a special treat for the holidays but I try to stay away from force feeding situations.

My grandma Betty always quoted me "a minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips"  while this is a little morbid and mean I get it. As I get older the weight goes on a lot easier and leaves a lot harder.

What are your plans to stay fit over the holidays?

I will be doing a lot of pre planning, thinking about what I am eating, pushing away and exercising.

I will add next week how I have done but I hope to make it through 2 events this week and not gain a pound. I can do it!

Wherever you are on your parenting and self body love journey I wish you luck, you can do anything you put your mind to!

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