Saturday, October 1, 2011

Down some pounds Single Track Mountain Bike Trail

Above is a picture of me from my buddy Ryan's wedding last summer. That was about 15 pounds lighter than I am now. I don't know why but I put on a lot of weight last fall and winter. I was faced with being let go from my main job and I had a lot of other stress around that time. I didn't eat that poorly but maybe it was simply the stress that made my body pack on the pounds. I am staying positive and I am down from the last month. I am sitting at bout 295.  The heaviest I have ever been in my life was  320 when I was a sophomore in high school. I remember the big change that made me lose weight in high school. It was joining Football, then wrestling, and track. As many of you know I kept up with Track all the way through my undergrad at St.Thomas. 

     As I look back at what shaped me from 320 down to 215 and 4.5% body fat when I first met my wife. I think of my love for sports and working out. I really love to do physical things. My challenge is getting the time. I am starting to think my path to staying in shape may be to change careers and become a fitness trainer or something in that path. I look at all the people around me and it worries me how many people struggle with weight loss. 
     I did my first trail in the world of single track mountain biking today and I loved it. I had always thought you had to go to Colorado to find trails to bike in the woods. I would have never guessed I would find the trails in Champlain Mn. I went for a 10 mile ride with my uncle Jerry today and boy was it hard. Instead of the more steady cadence of road biking this was more low gear high tork fast and slow. I would race down a hill, slam on my brakes before I hit a tree and speed back up in a low gear to get back up a hill. I want to go again soon.
     If anyone wants to join me for a bike ride or a workout I would love to have you. One of the big things that keeps me motivated is working out with other people. I do dodge ball at the uptown YWCA most Fridays starting this week. I also take the Gladiator class there. The joy I get from working out keeps making me think I should pursue it as a career. I worked at GNC for half a year my freshman year at St.Thomas and I don't know if I want to be a shake and pill pusher. I would like to help average people who want to see real results and better their lives.

 That's all for tonight,

 Stay positive and eat healthy.



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