Thursday, December 6, 2012

Boot Camp Holiday Weight Gain and the Kids with a Tri thrown in

I didn't post much in November because I was doing the NanoWrimo, where you write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. I got to 25,000 words, there was just to much going on in my life to write when I wanted. I realized that my youngest son had been more of a game changer than I thought both in time to myself and complexity of life. I am also looking for a new career since my last one ended in July and I have been training for a Triathlon (more about that to come). I started this blog when I had 2 children and talked about how hard staying in shape was, well it's harder the more you add. That is unless you are my wife who can eat 10 meals a day and not gain weight. 

I have been doing well, keeping my weight around 278. I think it's time to kick it back into high gear and start losing again with my goal being 260 for spring.

When we come to the holiday season to many of us make it is about the gifts and the food. I have a friend who will leave events early because he does not have anything to talk about and knows he will over eat. While I give him props for knowing himself this is also a warning. Most of us will overeat if we make the Holidays about the food. As a parent we need to make it about our kids and family. We need to remember that in order to live into adulthood for our children we need to keep control and watch what we eat.

Here are some of my tips for doing just this:

Spend a minute every day and say out loud what you are thankful for in your life.

Think about all you have and don't compare yourself to others.

When you go to a party listen to or read the news before you go and get talking ideas so you have things to talk about.

Anytime you are going some where for a party eat a healthy meal before you go.

Don't drink to much and try to stick to water, I am not a big drinker except for coffee and I stick to that at most events.

Remember you are keeping the weight off for you and your family!

I hope I can do all of these and not gain weight like I usually do during this time of year!

So I said I have been training for a Tri, I did it last weekend  and it was a blast. The day before the Tri I did a Boot Camp to raise money for Hurricane Sandy Relief with  Tony at the Uptown YWCA, it was very hard and fun. Then I did the Tri Sunday morning and after I did a 2 Hour Spin Class for World AIDS Day as a kick off to the 2013 Red Ribbon Ride.

I started out the Tri strong with my swim for the first 3 laps. I think I was the fastest in the pool for about the first 2 laps. Then I went to take a breath and a wave from the person in the next lane swept water into my mouth and I choked. I almost had to stop but I kept going, trying to overcome the choking and drowning feeling. After that my swim was much slower as I had to keep my head above water. I finished my swim in 14 minutes. Then I transitioned to the bike, I used my Sidi clip in's for the first time in a Tri and it worked well. It didn't really slow me down and I think it helped my bike time. I did the bike in 22 minutes for 10 miles. the YWCA had free Hammer Gel samples and I used 2 during the Tri. My transition to my run was a little slow but I got running and averaged 11 minute miles. I did the 2 miles in exactly 22 minutes. Overall including transition I finished in 59:28 not my best time ever but close. Next time I hope to cut a minute or two. If you are interested in doing a Tri with me the next one is in 2 months and it's time to start training. Next up are the 5 hour Spin's and I love to have people do them with me so I have company =)

I hope you have a great start to the Holiday's and what ever you do keep it fun. Remember it's not about the food it's about the family.

Keep up the good work.


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