Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Body Pump and Weight Dump no Halloween Candy for me

Well here we are it's Halloween  2012. I am making a pledge now to not eat excessive amounts of Halloween candy. We will be going Trick or Treating with our kids. I am sure they will get mounds of candy but it will not be sticking around in our house. We used to put it in the freezer or up in a cupboard but it doesn't work. We will be getting rid of the candy this week before it can be consumed by me.

If you are going to eat candy I suggest eating the mint ones which do not make you feel like eating more. Also think about candy that you suck on such as Jolly Ranchers instead of Starburst. Finally maybe eat some candy with peanuts like peanut M&M's instead of Skittles because candy with a lower glycemic index will make you less apt to eat more and spike blood sugar as high as as fast.

I have been making big changes to keep on track with my weight. I got a little side tracked this fall, I don't like the days when the sun is down when I get off work. I went to Menards and purchased a big bag of full spectrum lights and have been getting up extra early to workout in the mornings before the sun gets up. I have been going to Body Pump at the YWCA and I like it a lot. The older women seem to do better than me most of the time and I am not use to all of the reps, but I think it's good for me. I will be starting Gladiator next week for the rest of the winter.

I have also been playing dodge ball every Friday night. It's a blast an I am always looking for new people to play with . Let me know if you want to come. We play 6:45-8 PM at the Uptown Minneapolis YWCA.

I also signed up for the first of the YWCA indoor Triathlons. I need something to train for and I love the Tri's. I do a 2 mile run followed by a 10 mile bike ride and 12 full laps in the pool. The only thing I don't like it my dry skin after the pool. The day of the Tri I am also doing a 2 hour spin class with the Red Ribbon Ride group for World AIDS day. I am sure I will be worn out by the end of the day.

I hope you have a super Halloween and keep up the weight loss.

PS - Oh I have also been thinking about P90X have you done it? any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. your blog post is hilarious. I hear great things about P90x, however some of the people I know have injured themselves overdoing it.

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