Monday, August 13, 2018

Bike Riding Salad Eating Meditation following Dad - Calling all parents to get in shape

I just had this picture pop up on my Facebook Timeline. It was from the last Breast Cancer / Attaboy ride. I rode in most of if not all of both of these rides which are no longer happening in Minnesota. It seems fitting for a couple of reasons. The picture is mostly Jaycees and I get to be president of the Minneapolis Jaycees this year. And second I friggen hate cancer! We need more cancer riders until we find a cure.

I have been biking to work as often as I can. From my house in SLP to the Capella tower in Mpls and back is about a 15 mile round trip ride. I will often add in some weight lifting before I head home so I get a more full workout in we have a Steele Fitness in my building I get to use for free. What I find is that working out seems to keep getting harder and my motivation keeps getting pulled to other things. The changes of being a parent of 4 never cease to amaze me. Right when you think you are around the bend with kids and your life might be getting back to something more normal then the next thing changes. What a wonderful journey!

I am realizing that I need to control my weight more through what I put into my body than the amount of exercise I do. I need to eat more salad and lean meats and less of just about everything else. I don't have the time and my joints cant take the pounding that once kept weight in check. Here come the changes!

To keep calm in the face of family and work stressers I have been doing some meditation. More in the form of guided breathing and self centering. 4 in breaths and 8 out, repeat for a couple of minutes.I journal when every I can, mostly at night and in the morning. I try to always write out 3 things I am thankful or grateful for in detail. Its good to keep in mind what we have and not compare to what we dont have.

Fall is coming so my routine will switch again. Kids in school and back to activities. I will pull out my SAD light soon to fight the energy draining effects of the dark months in the North. If you don't have one I suggest them to everyone. Why not have more natural energy because of light?

With school starting I will also need to watch what I eat at meetings. I am going to be on the SLP ECFE advisory council again and a couple of other local boards. Look for family friendly events I will be sharing in the future.

Lots going on but I need to slow down. We all need to focus more. I hope your life journey and weight is progressing the way you want. Thank you for being part of my journey.

