I talked earlier in my blog about how I make sure to eat before I go out around the holidays. Well this year I doubled that, I made sure I ate a big salad and some protein before I went anywhere. I also made sure to drink lots of water. When I was going to eat sweets I ate them at the end of the event. If you wait until the end of an event to eat a couple of sweets and then head home you don't have the option of eating more. I think not grazing on sweets for long periods of time has been really good for me.
I also don't drink much. I drink coffee and tea and made sure I stuck to those over the holidays. When you drink coffee with a little milk or tea and do not add sugar you have almost no added calories. When you drink hard drinks you are more likely to forget and eat bad food. Depending on what you mix them with you can also be adding lots of calories to your diet in liquid form.
Another of my saviors is my treadmill. I have a treadmill in front of my television and make sure I do an hour of cardio at least 5 times a week. I will walk at a 3.5-4 mile per hour pace at full incline while watching tv. This burns a lot of calories and when I do it in the morning it helps me wake up.
I make a point to make it to the gym for my Gladiator class and Dodge Ball because it is the easiest way to run around and not have it feel like a workout. I think I have actually been losing weight this season. My new years resolution may not have a specific weight goal this year but an overall fitness and eating goal. We are going sugar free in my whole house and my wife is on board. This does not mean stopping people from bringing sweets over. We just will not buy things with added sugar and we will not cook with sugar. We are moving over to honey and maple syrup. You may think these are similar to sugar but they are not. Sugar is an inflammatory and there is noting the same as it. Honey is a natural antibiotic that is well recognized in Europe.
I have one last holiday party this weekend and I am confident I will make it. Tonight I worked out and tomorrow I am going to do the same. I am going to eat a being healthy lunch before I head out and I am bringing a vegetable tray. I hope to convey my need to stay healthy with the people at the party. It feels strange bringing your own food places but we need to do what we need to do to keep healthy.
I hope your holidays have been super. If you have fallen off the food wagon get back on and keep up the good fight. You are doing it for You.