This is me after the 5 Mile trail run. I DID IT, I DID IT!!!!!!!
My run took me 59:30 so I was under the hour I wanted to beat. It was very wet and I ran with my hydration pack, some gue and my Garmin Watch. I think all helped me make my goal time. I really needed the water, the gue helped me keep from bonking, and the watch told me how far I had gone and how fast. The first mile was great I ran with my aunt and I was going really fast for me. The down side was my feet got really really soaked. After the first mile my shoes were as wet as they could get. There were pot holes on the trail 8in deep and filled with water. I got blisters but they didn't hurt until after the run was over. It was cool, I don't think it got over 80 which was really good for me. I tend to melt when its over 80 especially when I am running.
My run took me 59:30 so I was under the hour I wanted to beat. It was very wet and I ran with my hydration pack, some gue and my Garmin Watch. I think all helped me make my goal time. I really needed the water, the gue helped me keep from bonking, and the watch told me how far I had gone and how fast. The first mile was great I ran with my aunt and I was going really fast for me. The down side was my feet got really really soaked. After the first mile my shoes were as wet as they could get. There were pot holes on the trail 8in deep and filled with water. I got blisters but they didn't hurt until after the run was over. It was cool, I don't think it got over 80 which was really good for me. I tend to melt when its over 80 especially when I am running.
As you can see by the print out I was not first but I was also not last. I would have been happy with any place in the race since I finished in the time I wanted. I really think the Red Ribbon Ride helped with the run. The day after the ride I jumped on the trail and ran 5 miles. I think I ran a total of 27 miles the week after the Red Ribbon Ride. It was a heck of a summer, I have been really working on my cardio and it has been paying off. My weight has been staying around 270 and I am happy with that. The next step is to get down to 260, my goal before the new year. If I was going to the Duro-Last seminar this year I would make it my goal for the seminar as I used as my goal last year. This fall I am going to start back at Gladiator and dodge ball starts up again before to long. I hope my knees can stay strong as I build myself back up to where I really want to be.
Stay strong in your training goals, we can do it together!