Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas, New Years and all the food in-between

Well it has been a long holiday season and it isn't over yet. I can't count on both hands how many times I have had to pass by a plate of cookies without taking one. This season is traditionally one where I put on 10 pounds or more. So far I have not put on a pound. I have not been passing up on all sweets I have just been making sure I fill up on good food first. I have also been throwing in a lot of exercising and sleep.

I talked earlier in my blog about how I make sure to eat before I go out around the holidays. Well this year I doubled that, I made sure I ate a big salad and some protein before I went anywhere. I also made sure to drink lots of water. When I was going to eat sweets I ate them at the end of the event. If you wait until the end of an event to eat a couple of sweets and then head home you don't have the option of eating more. I think not grazing on sweets for long periods of time has been really good for me.

I also don't drink much. I drink coffee and tea and made sure I stuck to those over the holidays. When you drink coffee with a little milk or tea and do not add sugar you have almost no added calories. When you drink hard drinks you are more likely to forget and eat bad food. Depending on what you mix them with you can also be adding lots of calories to your diet in liquid form.

Another of my saviors is my treadmill. I have a treadmill in front of my television and make sure I do  an hour of cardio at least 5 times a week. I will walk at a 3.5-4 mile per hour pace at full incline while watching tv. This burns a lot of calories and when I do it in the morning it helps me wake up.

I make a point to make it to the gym for my Gladiator class and Dodge Ball because it is the easiest way to run around and not have it feel like a workout. I think I have actually been losing weight this season.  My new years resolution may not have a specific weight goal this year but an overall fitness and eating goal. We are going sugar free in my whole house and my wife is on board. This does not mean stopping people from bringing sweets over. We just will not buy things with added sugar and we will not cook with sugar. We are moving over to honey and maple syrup. You may think these are similar to sugar  but they are not. Sugar is an inflammatory  and there is noting the same as it. Honey is  a natural antibiotic that is well recognized in Europe. 

I have one last holiday party this weekend and I am confident I will make it. Tonight I worked out and  tomorrow I am going to do the same. I am going to eat a being healthy lunch before I head out and I am bringing a vegetable tray.  I hope to convey my need to stay healthy with the people at the party. It feels strange bringing your own food places but we need to do what we need to do to keep healthy.

I hope your holidays have been super. If you have fallen off the food wagon get back on and keep up the good fight. You are doing it for You.



Thursday, December 6, 2012

Boot Camp Holiday Weight Gain and the Kids with a Tri thrown in

I didn't post much in November because I was doing the NanoWrimo, where you write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. I got to 25,000 words, there was just to much going on in my life to write when I wanted. I realized that my youngest son had been more of a game changer than I thought both in time to myself and complexity of life. I am also looking for a new career since my last one ended in July and I have been training for a Triathlon (more about that to come). I started this blog when I had 2 children and talked about how hard staying in shape was, well it's harder the more you add. That is unless you are my wife who can eat 10 meals a day and not gain weight. 

I have been doing well, keeping my weight around 278. I think it's time to kick it back into high gear and start losing again with my goal being 260 for spring.

When we come to the holiday season to many of us make it is about the gifts and the food. I have a friend who will leave events early because he does not have anything to talk about and knows he will over eat. While I give him props for knowing himself this is also a warning. Most of us will overeat if we make the Holidays about the food. As a parent we need to make it about our kids and family. We need to remember that in order to live into adulthood for our children we need to keep control and watch what we eat.

Here are some of my tips for doing just this:

Spend a minute every day and say out loud what you are thankful for in your life.

Think about all you have and don't compare yourself to others.

When you go to a party listen to or read the news before you go and get talking ideas so you have things to talk about.

Anytime you are going some where for a party eat a healthy meal before you go.

Don't drink to much and try to stick to water, I am not a big drinker except for coffee and I stick to that at most events.

Remember you are keeping the weight off for you and your family!

I hope I can do all of these and not gain weight like I usually do during this time of year!

So I said I have been training for a Tri, I did it last weekend  and it was a blast. The day before the Tri I did a Boot Camp to raise money for Hurricane Sandy Relief with  Tony at the Uptown YWCA, it was very hard and fun. Then I did the Tri Sunday morning and after I did a 2 Hour Spin Class for World AIDS Day as a kick off to the 2013 Red Ribbon Ride.

I started out the Tri strong with my swim for the first 3 laps. I think I was the fastest in the pool for about the first 2 laps. Then I went to take a breath and a wave from the person in the next lane swept water into my mouth and I choked. I almost had to stop but I kept going, trying to overcome the choking and drowning feeling. After that my swim was much slower as I had to keep my head above water. I finished my swim in 14 minutes. Then I transitioned to the bike, I used my Sidi clip in's for the first time in a Tri and it worked well. It didn't really slow me down and I think it helped my bike time. I did the bike in 22 minutes for 10 miles. the YWCA had free Hammer Gel samples and I used 2 during the Tri. My transition to my run was a little slow but I got running and averaged 11 minute miles. I did the 2 miles in exactly 22 minutes. Overall including transition I finished in 59:28 not my best time ever but close. Next time I hope to cut a minute or two. If you are interested in doing a Tri with me the next one is in 2 months and it's time to start training. Next up are the 5 hour Spin's and I love to have people do them with me so I have company =)

I hope you have a great start to the Holiday's and what ever you do keep it fun. Remember it's not about the food it's about the family.

Keep up the good work.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Body Pump and Weight Dump no Halloween Candy for me

Well here we are it's Halloween  2012. I am making a pledge now to not eat excessive amounts of Halloween candy. We will be going Trick or Treating with our kids. I am sure they will get mounds of candy but it will not be sticking around in our house. We used to put it in the freezer or up in a cupboard but it doesn't work. We will be getting rid of the candy this week before it can be consumed by me.

If you are going to eat candy I suggest eating the mint ones which do not make you feel like eating more. Also think about candy that you suck on such as Jolly Ranchers instead of Starburst. Finally maybe eat some candy with peanuts like peanut M&M's instead of Skittles because candy with a lower glycemic index will make you less apt to eat more and spike blood sugar as high as as fast.

I have been making big changes to keep on track with my weight. I got a little side tracked this fall, I don't like the days when the sun is down when I get off work. I went to Menards and purchased a big bag of full spectrum lights and have been getting up extra early to workout in the mornings before the sun gets up. I have been going to Body Pump at the YWCA and I like it a lot. The older women seem to do better than me most of the time and I am not use to all of the reps, but I think it's good for me. I will be starting Gladiator next week for the rest of the winter.

I have also been playing dodge ball every Friday night. It's a blast an I am always looking for new people to play with . Let me know if you want to come. We play 6:45-8 PM at the Uptown Minneapolis YWCA.

I also signed up for the first of the YWCA indoor Triathlons. I need something to train for and I love the Tri's. I do a 2 mile run followed by a 10 mile bike ride and 12 full laps in the pool. The only thing I don't like it my dry skin after the pool. The day of the Tri I am also doing a 2 hour spin class with the Red Ribbon Ride group for World AIDS day. I am sure I will be worn out by the end of the day.

I hope you have a super Halloween and keep up the weight loss.

PS - Oh I have also been thinking about P90X have you done it? any thoughts?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fighting the weight Losing some pounds - Big Gay Race

It seems like forever since I last posted. I have been fighting hard with my weight to keep it close to 270 and I want to hit 260. I was at a friends wedding last weekend and I really ate to much or maybe it was more than that. I was up close to 10 pounds Monday from what I want to be at. Then I was back down to 277 yesterday and I hit the gym hard then a spinach salad for lunch and another hour of cardio tonight. 

     I looked back at where I was in Jan of 2011. My weigh in at the start of the meltdown was 309. It's hard to believe I let myself get that big. I will never let that happen again. During a visit to my doctor for an ear infection he comment on how my weight was down from where I was a year ago. He also told me again that the weight I am at today is the highest I can ever let myself get to. If I gain a pound I need to stop eating and run around the block until I lose it. This is coming from my doctor. I think obesity is so out of control that doctors don't know what to say to people rather than be cold and hard. It worked in the past for me when my grandma said I was too fat and would not let me eat when I was at her house. Maybe we all need a little good spirited kick in the butt from someone who cares.

I know one thing, dodge ball starts this week and I am excited. In 6 weeks I am going to start Gladiator at the YWCA again and I think I am going to start doing body pump as well. This weekend I may run the Big Gay Race with a friend. I hope your weight loss is going well or you are at least keeping your spirits up.

Until next time- stay strong


Monday, August 13, 2012

5 Mile trail run and beyond

This is me after the 5 Mile trail run. I DID IT, I DID IT!!!!!!!

My run took me 59:30 so I was under the hour I wanted to beat. It was very wet and I ran with my hydration pack, some gue and my Garmin Watch. I think all helped me make my goal time. I really needed the water, the gue helped me keep from bonking, and the watch told me how far I had gone and how fast. The first mile was great I ran with my aunt and I was going really fast for me. The down side was my feet got really really soaked. After the first mile my shoes were as wet as they could get. There were pot holes on the trail 8in deep and filled with water. I got blisters but they didn't hurt until after the run was over. It was cool, I don't think it got over 80 which was really good for me. I tend to melt when its over 80 especially when I am running.

As you can see by the print out I was not first but I was also not last. I would have been happy with any place in the race since I finished in the time I wanted. I really think the Red Ribbon Ride helped with the run. The day after the ride I jumped on the trail and ran 5 miles. I think I ran a total of 27 miles the week after the Red Ribbon Ride. It was a heck of a summer, I have been really working on my cardio and it has been paying off. My weight has been staying around 270 and I am happy with that. The next step is to get down to 260, my goal before the new year.  If I was going to the Duro-Last seminar this year I would make it my goal for the seminar as I used as my goal last year. This fall I am going to start back at Gladiator and dodge ball starts up again before to long. I hope my knees can stay strong as I build myself back up to where I really want to be. 

Stay strong in your training goals, we can do it together!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fisherman's Picnic Trail Run 5 Miles -On the Pincushion Mountain Trails overlooking Grand Marais

Well the big 5 mile trail run is the end of the week. I am really excited, I am going to try and do the run in less than an hour. I think the last time I participated was 4 years ago and I did it in a little over an hour. This course is a cross country ski trail all year except for this race. There can be holes a foot deep and a foot of grass in the same spot. The first 2 miles are downhill and the last 3 are all uphill. I am going to run with my camelbak this year, the last time all the walkers had drank all the water by the time I got to the hydration station. I am also going to carry some gue so I don't bonk.  I am excited to track the run with my garmin watch, I am also in a new age group this year so maybe I'll win it 30-35 age :)
MY next post will let you know how I did. I was also still at 269 today.

Keep up the good work and may your weight loss work pay off.


Friday, July 27, 2012

Below 270 Red Ribbon Ride fight AIDS HIV + Grand Marais trail run

Here we are doing "The Gabe" on the Red Ribbon Ride. It was really a great ride this year. I did 297 miles over 4 days to fight AIDS / HIV. The first day I did a century with my friend Steph to the right in the picture. We stopped at Dairy Queen and got a treat. Just as I was going to pay the cashier she said it was already paid for by a friend of the ride. How sweet this was, this was also my 6th year doing the Ride. It was the 10th anniversary of the Red Ribbon Ride and I decided I will ride for 10 years, at least.

     I had a happy moment when I got on the scale the day before the ride. I hit 269.7, getting below 270 has been my target weight since the ride last year. I look at pictures of what I looked like 2-3 years ago and I can't believe I let myself get so big.

     Well the ride rocked,  I ate a little to much and drank a lot of water, I ride with a 100oz Camel pack and 2 20oz bottles. 

The day I got done I was 12 pounds up from the day we started. It did come off this week as my body got back into my regular habits. 

This week, I started running . I did 5 miles at the YWCA Tuesday, 2 Miles with Angie on the trail Wednesday and 3.9 miles on the trail with the kids last night. I am gearing up for the Fisherman's Picnic trail run in a week. It's a 5 mile trail run on the mountain in Grand Marais MN. My wife is going to walk it, my daughter is going to run a mile and my older son is going to run 1/4 mile. It should really be a blast.

     Last night as I was running I thought to myself. WOW it is nice to be able to run again. I never want to be to fat to run again.  I still need to keep up the diet and exercise but I have come down 50 pounds and that is a long way. I hope you are reaching your goals in this wonderful life. If not, regroup and start at it again. It's not about winning or losing, it's about playing the game.



Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Red Ribbon Ride and Winnipeg Folk Festival 2012

The above picture is of the Hope House ride. The weekend before the 4th of July I did about 140 miles in 90+ heat. I have been gearing up for the Red Ribbon Ride all year and I am almost ready. Today I got on the scale at 273 just 3 pounds from my Ride start goal.  I have not been doing much weight training but a lot of walking and biking.

Last weekend I went to the Winnipeg Folk Festival in Canada with my daughter. I think we must have walked over 10 miles a day. We camped in festival camping and endured 14 hours a day of sun with no shade. It was really a blast and it helped me drop a couple of pounds and condition for the heat. Last year we had a combination of thunder storms that almost closed Rochester on day 2 and 110 heat index on the last day.

After the Red Ribbon Ride I am going to start training for the 5 mile trail run in Grand Marais during Fisherman's Picnic, I hope Angie runs it with me this year. I did invest in a Garmin Forerunner watch. I have yet to load it with my Enewleaf data but I want to get a foot pod and bike attachment before I can really use it. I have been really watching what I eat and making sure I drink plenty of water and sleep enough. Most of us do not sleep enough (8 hours) or drink enough water (8 Glasses or more) either of these things can make you more tired and gain weight but both together can be disastrous to a diet.

I hope to write next week when I am below 270. You know how it goes, as a parent you are doing a million things and some times it seems like you and your weight loss come last. But if we want to be alive as long as we can for ourselves and our kids we owe it to everyone to stay in shape.

keep up the good work.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Newleaf Biospace body fat and VO2 Max tell me I need to eat more and exercise slower

So, It's been a couple of weeks since I did a post. I was really wanting to do a post that I have weighed in below the 270 mark for the meltdown. 

Well I didn't, I weighed in at 279 by the YWCA scale that was down about 2.5 pounds of fat and up a pound of muscle. I really don't want to put any weight on but the plus side is that I dropped another inch off my waist. 

     I have been really worried about why it has been so hard for me to lose weight, especial since the Biospace test tells me that I have a resting metabolic calorie burn of 2500 calories before I do anything for the day. I figured this must be wrong so today I did a Newleaf metabolic assessment. I did the resting test and the working test. In the end this test confirmed that  I do indeed burn 2500 calories just being alive every day. I also found out that it takes me a lot of work on the bike to get my heart rate up to the top of zone 4 which is at 150 heart beats per minute. I was cranking at 335 watts on the bike before I hit the max they let you hit in the test.  I learned that I don't burn fat very well. When exercising I burn fat for energy at 110 BPM and below, above that I burn carbohydrates. This means that to lose fat I need to do 2 things, 1 I need to work out in the lower heart rate zone and 2 I need to increase my aerobic base.

     I think it's funny how much science and data has changed what we can do with our bodies. 10 years ago you would tell a fat person to cut what you eat below 2000 calories and do a lot of cardio as hard as you can. For me I need at least 2500 calories every day and more on the days I work out. I also need to work out at a lower heart rate to keep my fat burn going instead of burning up all the readily available energy in my body.

    What is the real point of this?  I want to get below 20% body fat and into the 260's while it's great to have over 125 pounds of skeletal  muscle mass I want to have joints that last a long time. As it is I may need new knees and joints when I get older. I just want what I have to last as long as it can, I also want to maintain a high quality of life as long as I can. In America we have a problem, at 29 I restarted my fight against fat and at 30 I am keeping it up. I know it will be something I always work with but with luck I can win this fight. 
     I wish you luck and if I can help any way in your fight please contact me.

Tonight I am going to work on a new concept  I heard today, I will fall awake and open my mind to the possibilities that are out there.



Newleaf Metabolic tool VO2 Max Test New Leaf + Garmin Gps watch

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Red Ribbon Ride Time to hit 270 pass those calories on the left =)

Sorry everyone it's been a while since I posted. I have been having some weight troubles. Right after I hit 275 I stopped losing and put on 4 pounds that I have been fighting lose. I am back at 277 today. My goal is still 270 by June. I have been realizing how hard it is going to be to keep the weight off. I have been heavy for so much of my life that my body tends to revert to gaining and eating to much. The last 3 weeks I have been working to much and not watching my calories as I should be. 

On the side of being a dad and my weight I was doing well the first 4 weeks after having the baby then my diet and exercise crashed as not sleeping enough cought up with me. I was also drinking way to much coffee to stay awake at night and I am working on cutting that out.

I know I need to kick up the weight loss a notch and really track everything I put in my mouth.  I need to start splitting my workouts into day and night just incase I don't get time to get in a full hour workout.

I am still in Gladiator and Boxing at the Y and have really started to hit the trails. That's part of why I have not been posting as much. I forgot over the winter how much time you can spend on a bike and not even know it. I am still playing dodge ball every Friday, at least for the next 3 weeks until it's over for the summer. I am kicking around getting into P90X or joining the St.Louis Park Crossfit. My problem is I have a health club membership that I am not going to give up and I have all the gear and weights at home that I need to train. What I really need is someone who want to come train with me at home. Or a group of people. Let me know if you want to =)

Today I pledge to watch what I eat and make it more of a big deal if I go off my diet. I will hit 270 this summer. Keep up the good workouts!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New Baby and keeping the Weight off Battle of the Buldge

It has been one heck of a year already. With the death of my grandfather and the birth of my son. William was born March 7th at 1AM he is a young carbon copy of my size weighing in at 9 Pounds 12 Ounces and 22 Inches. I have survived the first 2 weeks on very little sleep and we shall see how I do from here on.

My diet has been going very well. I have kept away from candy as I gave up sweets for lent. I did partake in a little cake for an event but it was only half a slice. I keep eating spinach every day and try as much as I can to keep my eating clean.

This weekend we went up to Duluth for the weekend to hang out with the Skelly clan. It was a good time. My aunt took us all out for a "survival dinner" this goes back to when grandpa was in the hospital and we were all going to go out after he got out for a "survival brunch", problem was he didn't make it.

Duluth and the Inn on Superior was not the same without grandpa. The way he brought the family together and his jokes, we will all get by with time. I spent some time shopping with grandma, which she loved since no one else would take her. I also bought her some candy, one thing grandpa always did was buy grandma candy.

The weekend was fun, it was a little emotional to be on family vacation without grandpa. Plus we were staying in a hotel with a 10 day old baby and I am getting over a cold. I did not push myself and get up and exercise this weekend. However my weight is still holding steady at 278. I hope to take off 3 more pounds before the end of the meltdown next week.

I have Gladiator tonight and am doing the final indoor triathlon this Sunday at the Midtown YWCA. I hope I get a faster time than my time this fall. I have talked Angie into running the Fisherman's Picnic trail run with me in Grand Marais this summer. It's 5 miles in the woods and a really fun run. I hope to be below 270 for the run.

As for now I am enjoying being a dad, working a lot, and making sure my diet stays clean. I hope to post early next week to let you know how the tri goes.



Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Meltdown YWCA week 1 Amping up the Hardness

Week one of the meltdown and it happens to be the start of lent. I am going to give up all candy and sugar or sweeteners added to anything I eat. 

 I realized that in my gladiator class I need to start using the heavy weights instead of the lighter ones if I really want to lose more weight. I signed up for boxing on Thursdays for the next 6 weeks on top of gladiator.

  I think I might do the vo2 max test where you run on a treadmill with a mask on hooked up to a computer. The test is supposed to very accurately show the best zones to lose weight and exercise for your body as well as specific basal metabolic rates.

I am going to sign up for the march YWCA indoor triathlon. Which means today I start running 2 mile distance runs 3 times a week and the same for swimming 12 laps

I can't wait for the red ribbon ride this year. My goal weight is 270. I think I can hit it with a little hard work and determination. The weekend of fathers day I am doing the Attaboy ride to fight men's cancer (10-65 miles). The day before it is the Day On The Ride for the Red Ribbon Ride where we do 80 miles. 

I have really been watching my diet. I realized that I can eat a whole bag of spinach for 80 calories and a whole bag of broccoli for about 120 calories. I often add in a can of white tuna in water for another 120 calories and 26 grams of protein. When you are on a diet you can pretty much eat as much of these foods as you want. I would add to this mustard and pickles, neither of these have significant calories. It now makes sense to me what my grandmother always said to me. If you eat the good calories first you don't have room for the bad calories. How true.

I hope to post again soon.

Keep up the good work,


Leap Year Day Rain Snow Blizzards Feb 29 2012 Schools Closed

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

5 Hour Spin YWCA Meltdown Boxing and Gladiator

I did the 5 hour spin last weekend. To be honest I really only did 3.5 hours of it because I had a captains meeting for the red ribbon ride ( ). It was a great time. I weighed in today at 279.5 with a goal of 270 by the ride this year. 

Next week I start the meltdown at the YWCA we weight in with a biospace body fat scale at the first day of 6 weeks, so for me Thursday. Then we weight out after the 6 weeks. I will be doing gladiator and boxing with Tony during the meltdown as I am now.

I really hope I can lose some body fat and put on some muscle during the meltdown. One of the requirements is we keep food logs of what we eat everyday and how much we work out every day. We turn them in once a week and get points for getting it all filled out and at least 7 hours a week of workouts.

The team I have always been on is Bear Mooners Army. It started with me, Eric and Fitz. The first year Fitz had a dog named Bear and our huskys name is Mooner so there you get the name.

I have done the meltdown every year since it started. I usually lose 10 pounds if I try hard. My team has won once, has taken second three times and come in close many more. Every year I have done it I have loved it at the end. Keeping tight track of everything you eat and all the exercise you do is a lot of work but is very beneficial to me losing weight. In the past I have eaten a lot the weeks before the meltdown to bulk up my weight but it never works right. I usually gain weight and don't lose much more than I pack on before the meltdown starts. This year I am not bulking up I am going at my lean 280 ish.

I am excited for the weight in.

My diet has been pretty good. I eat 2 eggs and dry toast with coffee and half a cup of green juice for breakfast. I follow this with lots of vitamins and water. I make sure I get in a grapefruit every day and eat at least one spinach salad.

I did eat pizza after the spin this weekend and I had some cookies this week, but I think you have to splurge some time. Otherwise you can crash and end up changing your whole diet back to a bad one.

My goals for weight loss are to live a longer life for me and my family. To have an easy time moving physically in life. To feel happy. To help others on the road to a healthy lifestyle.

Peace - Gabe

Friday, February 3, 2012

Grandpa Gerald, The Duro-Last Seminar and 279.3

Well it's been a wild ride the last couple of weeks. I spent a lot of time with grandpa. Then a week and a half ago he passed. I was very close to my grandpa. He was the reason I went to Benilde St.Margarets. I credit grandpa with many of my successes in life, while on the phone with my dad he told me to never forget all that grandpa had done for me. I an never forget all the lessons he taught me. 

    Grandpa was a guy who would start up a conversation with anyone. He didn't judge people. He was one of the fist people to work towards racial equality as early as the  50's. Grandpa believed that the spice of life was people. He loved nothing more than to meet someone new and to learn all about them and maybe share a up of coffee.

    So yeah it has been a hard time. I kept myself from grief eating and I did grief working out instead. Last week I did weigh in at 280 which has been my goal for the Duro-Last convention since last year. I got some great workouts in while in Clearwater Beach. On one run I did 8 miles of sand running. The last 2 miles of the run I walked because I was worn out. I was a little bummed and looked down at the sand and seashells as I walked. Two poodles walked up to me and I said hi to them. I looked up and who was the owner? No other than Hulk Hogan , he winked at me and kept walking with his dogs. I had been watching Rocky 3 the week before , how exciting.

    I realized on my trip that I needed to really watch what I ate. The food at hotels and seminars is often really bad and fattening. I ate a salad every day and brought my vitamins and Emergenc. I also made sure I carried my Nalgen bottle with me so I was well hydrated all the time. This is a particularly good idea at conventions when one may be more prone to having a drink or two at night than one would be while at home =]

   Overall I am doing Ok. My weight is doing well. My workouts are going well and I am working on keeping my spirits up. Grandpa keeps me going. I will always remember one of the doctors in the ICU saying that grandpa working out everyday for 17 years was why he was able to keep fighting so long. 

I know one thing is for sure, when I get to that age I want my body to be strong enough so I can keep fighting for my wife and kids.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

5 Hour Spin Class time to Kick the Weight Loss into High Gear

Well here we are, over 2 weeks into 2012. I though I might have already been below 280 but I have been close. I was down to 283.5 the other day. I was sure I would be below 280 after the 5 Hour spin I did last weekend. I weighed myself after the workout and I weighed more than I did before I started. I think It was because I did it the right way. I drank a lot of water and electrolytes and I consumed about 1500 calories while burning over 3500. I could have lost water weight and maybe taken my calories down but I would have hurt the next day.  Overall it was good.

    I am signed up to do the Minnesota Red Ribbon Ride again this year and this was my start to training. The RRR is a 300 mile ride across MN in July to fight AIDS HIV. I am also going to do the Men's Cancer ride this year on Fathers day in tribute to my grand father Gerald Skelly. Grandpa Jerry is a big reason I have come as far in life as I have. He taught me to always value education and community service above all else. He also inspired me to work out and lose weight. Grandpa is still fighting to stay around after a battle with bladder cancer and a month long hospital / nursing home stay. He is currently at home for Hospice.

     I know guys get cancer but other than skin cancer I never thought about it. I have been doing some reading and my weight loss is the best thing I can do to lower my risk of cancer. The Mayo Clinic has a newsletter that talks about the causes of cancer. I have read it a couple of times. High weight paired with poor diet and sedentary lifestyle continually rank as the highest factors. I know what I have to do and I am going to do it.

My diet is still heavy on spinach, grapefruit, and green juice.  Breakfast for me is 2 cups of coffee, a banana, 2 organic eggs, 2 slices of dry Ezekiel bread, a half cup of green  juice and vitamins. I take the whole foods Iron free Multi vitamin, glucosamine, calcium, and salmon oil. I also take an Emergenc every couple of days.

Recently I have added almonds and soy nuts to my diet. I try to eat small meals of 100-200 calories throughout the day. I also drink a little over a gallon of water a day.

I think I am going to start P90X soon and may sign up for Crossfit this summer in SLP. We will see, I usually bike 2,000+ miles over the summer and I need time for everything.

That's it for me. I hope your 2012 is going great and I hope your fitness goals are getting met day by day.

